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Suggested donation per book for You In Me $12
The night before Jesus was crucified He met with His disciples. He shared with them several lines of new truth, things He had not talked about during His earthly ministry. One of those truths is that they would be in Him. It would take time to flesh out what He meant but He assured them that the Spirit would guide them into all the Truth. The letters of the apostles refer to and explain what Jesus meant.
The new reality of being in Christ becomes part of the foundation of our Christian way of life. The letters to the churches demonstrate that this truth should permeate how we think, live, and identify ourselves and other believers.
Suggested donation per book for Getting Grace $12
If not at first, eventually most Christians want to know how to live their life according to God’s Plan. Grace summarizes God’s Plan. At times, grace is clearly identified in the Scriptures. At other times, it is seen by what God has done, and by how He then calls us to live. Sometimes, grace is abandoned by the Christian, not intentionally but rather because many of us have failed to fully grasp the nature of God’s Grace. And yet we must get it, we must understand the nature of grace, if we are to truly understand what God is doing by grace.
Many have struggled and failed in their Christian life. Often, we are left wondering why is it so hard to live out the Christian life? Does God have a plan and design for our failure? If we understand grace, then where does sin and chastening fit into this design? These are some of the issues involving God and His Grace that are addressed in this book.
Suggested donation per book for God’s House Plans $12
Two thousand years ago, believers regularly went to temple, offered sacrifices, and spoke with priests. In order to approach God’s temple, God required people to observe rules governing their diet, washing, and personal relations. Now we are told that we can eat anything for which we give thanks. God’s temple is no longer a physical building, but individual believers, and groups of believers. Today, all believers are priests. Why the changes?
These changes can be understood by considering what God reveals to be house rules, or dispensations. These dispensations are related to the various ages, in which God has objectives for both us and His angels. Some of these dispensations also have ties to God’s covenants. Understanding God’s plans will affect the way we live, by helping us discern what parts of God’s plans are for us.
Suggested donation per book for The Son $16
God the Son is a controversial figure. Various religions have made claims about Him. The claims of one religion may disagree with those of another religion. Yet even among Christians, opinions vary greatly about Jesus Christ. The Hebrew and Christian Scriptures, alone, detail Who He is, why He came, and what He did. Those Scriptures reveal that He is the sole means of salvation for mankind. Those Scriptures also reveal truths which can appear contradictory – He is God and He is man. Yet both truths are crucial to what He accomplished. To the surprise of many people, He has been active for all eternity, and remains active. This set of studies will consider His work in the past, present and future. It will examine what it meant for Him to become human, and what He accomplished by doing so. The Son is a deserving object of our worship, and subject of our study.